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- ; POLYGLOT 1.25
- ; Installation Script - Installer 2.0
- ; Author: Michal /CompLex/ Mecinski
- ; (C)1998 CompLex, Shareware
- ; $VER: install_e 1.25 (7.1.98) CompLex
- ; ======== Language ==========
- ; Polish translation by CompLex
- (if (= @app-name "Poliglota 1.25 (PL)")
- (
- (set #lang "polski")
- (set #msg_os "Aby zainstalowaê i uruchomiê POLIGLOTË 1.25musisz mieê system V37 (2.0) lub wyûszy.")
- (set #msg_welc "Witaj w polskiej wersji\nskryptu instalacyjnego POLIGLOTY 1.25")
- (set #msg_mdir (cat "Czy chcesz utworzyê NOWY katalog o nazwie \"Poliglota\" (z ikonâ), "
- "do którego zostanie skopiowany "
- (if (= @user-level 2) "gîówny program" "program, dokumetacja i ustawienia")
- "?"
- ))
- (set #help_mdir (cat "Odpowiedz \"Tak\", jeûeli chcesz aby zostaî utworzony nowy"
- " katalog \"Poliglota\" (z ikonâ) we wskazanym miejscu.\n"
- " Jeûeli posiadasz juû taki katalog, lub chcesz zainstalowaê"
- " program w innym katalogu, odpowiedz przeczâco."
- ))
- (set #msg_mdn (cat "Wybierz dysk, partycjë lub katalog, w którym zostanie"
- " utworzony nowy podkatalog \"Poliglota\"."
- ))
- (set #msg_mdo (cat "Wybierz dysk, partycjë lub katalog, w którym zostanie"
- " zainstalowany program."
- ))
- (set #name_pol "Poliglota")
- (set #name_polic "Poliglota.info")
- (set #name_bas "Bazy")
- (set #name_basic "Bazy.info")
- (set #name_docs "Poliglota_PL.Guide")
- (set #name_docd "Poliglota.Guide")
- (set #name_exam "Przykîady.plg")
- (set #name_defic "def_bazaplg.info")
- (set #name_defni "def_bazaplg")
- (set #name_pref "poliglota.prefs")
- (set #msg_doc "Gdzie skopiowaê dokumentacjë POLIGLOTY (plik \"Poliglota.guide\")?")
- (set #help_doc "Dokumentacja jest niezbëdna aby korzystaê z tego programu!")
- (set #msg_bases (cat "Czy utworzyê nowy katalog o nazwie \"Bazy\" do przechowywania"
- " baz danych Poligloty?"
- ))
- (set #help_bases (cat "Jeôli odpowiesz twierdzâco, zostanie utworzony (we wskazanym miejscu)"
- " nowy katalog o nazwie \"Bazy\" z ikonâ.\n"
- "Jeôli nie, bëdziesz musiaî wybraê istniejâcy katalog."
- ))
- (set #msg_bsn "Wybierz miejsce, w którym zostanie utworzony nowy katalog \"Bazy\"")
- (set #msg_bso "Wybierz katalog, w którym bëdâ przechowywane bazy danych")
- (set #msg_pref "Gdzie majâ byê zapisane ustawienia Poligloty (plik poliglota.prefs)?")
- (set #help_pref (cat "Nie warto uûywaê EnvArc, Poliglota zapisuje ustawienia od razu"
- " na dysk. Najlepsze miejsce to katalog Poligloty lub S."
- ))
- (set #msg_icon "Czy chcesz, aby bazy danych byîy zapisywane wraz z ikonâ?")
- (set #help_icon (cat "Jeûeli chcesz uruchamiaê Poliglotë z Workbecha, moûesz wybraê"
- " tworzenie ikony dla kaûdej bazy. Za pomocâ takiej ikony moûesz"
- " automatycznie uruchomiê Poliglotë.\n"
- "Z Shell/Cli niepotrzebne sâ ikony bazy, ale sam program musi jâ"
- " mieê (zapisane sâ tam ôcieûki dostëpu!)"
- ))
- (set #msg_defic "Gdzie ma byê zapisana domyôlna ikona bazy danych o nazwie \"def_bazaplg.info\" ?")
- (set #msg_info (cat "Gîówny program zostanie zainstalowany w katalogu \"%s\","
- " dokumentacja w \"%s\", przykîadowa baza danych w \"%s\"."
- ))
- (set #msg_paths (cat "W ikonie programu zostanâ teraz zapisane ôcieûki dostëpu"
- " do programu, katalogu baz i ikony domyôlnej (lub jej brak)."
- " Jeûeli przeniesiesz jakâô czëôê pakietu, bëdziesz musiaî je zmieniê"
- " (patrz dokumentacja)."
- ))
- (set #msg_loc "Czy chcesz, aby Poliglota uûywaî jëzyka polskiego?")
- (set #help_loc (cat "Jeôli chcesz, aby wszystkie komunikaty byîy po polsku,"
- " trzeba bëdzie zainstalowaê polskie tîumaczenie (catalog).\n"
- "W przeciwnym wypadku, program bëdzie uûywaî wbudowanego jëzyka"
- " angielskiego."
- ))
- (set #msg_lib "Skopiujë bibliotekë \"reqtools.library\" do katalogu Libs:")
- (set #help_lib (cat "Biblioteka jest niezbëdna do dziaîania programu. Skopiuj jâ,"
- " jeûeli twoja wersja jest starsza lub nie masz jej."
- ))
- (set #msg_end (cat "Program nie ma jeszcze zapisanych ustawieï. Uruchom Poliglotë"
- " z Workbencha i wybierz opcjë Zapisz w oknie Ustawienia.\n"
- "Szczegóîowe informacje na temat uûywania programu znajdziesz w dokumentacji."
- " Pomocna bëdzie takûe zainstalowana w katalogu baz przykîadowa baza opisana"
- " w dokumentacji.\n\n"
- "Ûyczë wielu sukcesów w uûywaniu Poligloty!"
- ))
- )
- ;Default English language
- (
- (set #lang "english")
- (set #msg_os "You must have OS V37 (2.0) or more to run and install Polyglot.")
- (set #msg_welc "Welcome to the English version\nof POLYGLOT 1.25 Installation Script")
- (set #msg_mdir (cat "Do you want to create a NEW directory called 'Polyglot' (with icon), "
- "where the "
- (if (= @user-level 2) "main program" "program, documetation and settings")
- " will be installed?")
- )
- (set #help_mdir (cat "Answer 'Yes', if you want a new directory created"
- " called 'Polyglot' (with an icon) in selected place.\n"
- " If a directory already exists or you want the program"
- " installed in another directory, say 'No'."
- ))
- (set #msg_mdn (cat "Select a disk, partition or directory, in which"
- " a new 'Polyglot' subdirectory will be created."
- ))
- (set #msg_mdo (cat "Select a disk, partition or directory, in which"
- " the program will be installed."
- ))
- (set #name_pol "Polyglot")
- (set #name_polic "Polyglot.info")
- (set #name_bas "Bases")
- (set #name_basic "Bases.info")
- (set #name_docs "Polyglot_ENG.Guide")
- (set #name_docd "Polyglot.Guide")
- (set #name_exam "Examples.plg")
- (set #name_defic "def_plgbase.info")
- (set #name_defni "def_plgbase")
- (set #name_pref "polyglot.prefs")
- (set #msg_doc "Where should the POLYGLOT documentation ('Polyglot.guide' file) be copied?")
- (set #help_doc "The documentation is necessary to use this program!")
- (set #msg_bases (cat "Do you want to create a NEW directory called 'Bases' (with icon), "
- " for Polyglot bases?")
- )
- (set #help_bases (cat "If you answer 'Yes', a new directory called"
- " 'Bases' (with an icon) will be created in selected place.\n"
- " If not, you'll have to select an existing directory."
- ))
- (set #msg_bsn "Select a place, where a new 'Bases' directory will be created")
- (set #msg_bso "Select a directory in which the data bases will be stored.")
- (set #msg_pref "Where should the Polyglot preferences be saved ('polyglot.prefs' file)?")
- (set #help_pref (cat "Don't use EnvArc, because Polyglot will save prefs"
- " to the disk at once. A best place is Polyglot home dir or S dir."
- ))
- (set #msg_icon "Do you want the bases saved with their icons?")
- (set #help_icon (cat "If you want to run Polyglot from Workbench, you may"
- " select creating an icon for every base. You can run Polyglot"
- " automatically with a base icon then.\n"
- "From Shell/Cli the base icons are unnecessary, but the program"
- " must have one (paths are stored there!)"
- ))
- (set #msg_defic "Where should be the default base icon ('def_plgbase.info') copied?")
- (set #msg_info (cat "The main program will be installed in the '%s' directory,"
- " documentation in '%s', example data base in '%s'."
- ))
- (set #msg_paths (cat "Now, I will save paths of the program, bases"
- " directory and default info (if exists) to the program"
- " icon. You'll have to change them manually if you move"
- " anything (see documentation)."
- ))
- ; locale not used in English mode, just for translators
- (set #msg_loc "Do you want the Polyglot use xxx language?")
- (set #help_loc (cat "If you want all messages etc. in the program in xxx language,"
- " the xxx locale must be installed.\n"
- "Else, the program will use built-in English."
- ))
- (set #msg_lib "I will copy the 'reqtools.library' to your Libs: directory")
- (set #help_lib (cat "This library is necessary for the program. Copy it,"
- " if you have older or no reqtools.library."
- ))
- (set #msg_end (cat "The program has no prefs yet. Run Polyglot"
- " from Workbench and select Save option in Preferences window.\n"
- "All information about using the program may be found in the documentation."
- " The example database will be also usefull - it's installed in your bases directory."
- " (see documentation for more info).\n\n"
- "I wish you using the Polyglot successfully!"
- ))
- ))
- ; ======== Check OS version ========
- (if (< (/ (getversion) $10000) 37)
- (abort #msg_os)
- )
- (complete 0)
- (set #instd (pathonly @icon))
- (welcome #msg_welc)
- ; ========== Main dir ========
- (set #mainc
- (askbool
- (prompt #msg_mdir)
- (help #help_mdir)
- )
- )
- (set #maind
- (askdir
- (prompt
- (if #mainc #msg_mdn #msg_mdo)
- )
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "Sys:")
- (disk)
- )
- )
- ; ---- Must be created now ----
- (if #mainc
- (
- (makedir (tackon #maind #name_pol))
- (copyfiles
- (source (cat #instd ".info"))
- (dest #maind)
- (newname #name_polic)
- (nogauge)
- )
- (set #maind (tackon #maind #name_pol))
- )
- )
- (set @default-dest #maind)
- (complete 10)
- ; ========= Expert: Documentation ========
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (set #docd
- (askdir
- (prompt #msg_doc)
- (help #help_doc)
- (default #maind)
- )
- )
- (set #docd #maind)
- )
- (complete 20)
- ; ========= Bases dir ======
- (set #basc
- (askbool
- (prompt #msg_bases)
- (help #help_bases)
- )
- )
- (set #basd
- (askdir
- (prompt
- (if #basc #msg_bsn #msg_bso)
- )
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default #maind)
- )
- )
- ; ----- create the dir now -------
- (if #basc
- (
- (makedir (tackon #basd #name_bas))
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd "Bases.info"))
- (dest #basd)
- (newname #name_basic)
- (nogauge)
- )
- (set #basd (tackon #basd #name_bas))
- )
- )
- (complete 30)
- ; ========= EXPERT: place for settings =======
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (set #pred
- (askdir
- (prompt #msg_pref)
- (help #help_pref)
- (default #maind)
- )
- )
- (complete 40)
- )
- (set #pred #maind)
- )
- ; ========== Workbench-support? =========
- (set #icoc
- (askbool
- (prompt #msg_icon)
- (help #help_icon)
- )
- )
- ; ======== EXPERT: default base icon =======
- (if #icoc
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (set #icod
- (askdir
- (prompt #msg_defic)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default #basd)
- )
- )
- )
- (set #icod #basd)
- )
- )
- (complete 55)
- ; ======== Polish locale? =======
- (if (<> #lang "english")
- (set #loc
- (askbool
- (prompt #msg_loc)
- (help #help_loc)
- )
- )
- (set #loc 0)
- )
- (if #loc
- (if (exists "Locale:" (noreq))
- (set #locd (cat "Locale:Catalogs/" #lang))
- (set #locd (tackon #maind (cat "catalogs/" #lang)))
- )
- )
- (complete 60)
- ; ============ COPY FILES ===========
- ; --- Information ---
- (message (#msg_info #maind #docd #basd))
- ; --- Program and documentation ---
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd "Polyglot"))
- (dest #maind)
- (newname #name_pol)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd (cat "Docs/" #name_docs)))
- (dest #docd)
- (newname #name_docd)
- (infos)
- )
- ; --- Bases (with or without icons) ---
- (if #icoc
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd (cat "Bases/" #name_exam)))
- (dest #basd)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd "Bases/def_plgbase.info"))
- (dest #icod)
- (newname #name_defic)
- )
- )
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd (cat "Bases/" #name_exam)))
- (dest #basd)
- )
- )
- )
- ; --- Locale ----
- (if #loc
- (if (exists "Locale:" (noreq))
- (
- (makedir "Locale:Catalogs")
- (makedir (cat "Locale:Catalogs/" #lang))
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd (cat "catalogs/" #lang "/polyglot.catalog")))
- (dest (cat "Locale:Catalogs/" #lang))
- )
- )
- (
- (makedir (tackon #maind "catalogs"))
- (makedir (tackon #maind (cat "catalogs/" #lang)))
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon #instd (cat "catalogs/" #lang "/polyglot.catalog")))
- (dest (tackon #maind (cat "catalogs/" #lang)))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 75)
- ; ========= ToolTypes Setting (paths) ========
- (message #msg_paths)
- (working)
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon #maind #name_pol))
- (if #icoc
- (settooltype "ICON" (tackon #icod #name_defni))
- (settooltype "ICON")
- )
- (settooltype "DIR" #basd)
- (settooltype "PREFS" (tackon #pred #name_pref))
- (if #loc (settooltype "LANGUAGE" #lang))
- )
- (if #icoc
- (
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon #basd #name_exam))
- (setdefaulttool (tackon #maind #name_pol))
- )
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon #icod #name_defni))
- (setdefaulttool (tackon #maind #name_pol))
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 85)
- ; ======== ReqTools.library =======
- (set #temp @user-level)
- (user 2)
- (copylib
- (prompt #msg_lib)
- (help #help_lib)
- (source (tackon #instd "libs/reqtools.library"))
- (dest "Libs:")
- (confirm)
- )
- (user #temp)
- ; ====== END ======
- (complete 95)
- (message #msg_end)
- (complete 100)